

Business Joensuu Oy & Sweco Finland Oy

Preparation of Master Plans for Joensuu's top industrial areas, 2024

World Bioeconomy Forum

Writing a discussion paper for Chatham House on the global trends and prospects of land use.

European Commission

Evaluation of project proposals for the Digital Circular Economy (DigiCirc) funding programme. Mentoring the projects...

Selected references


  • ​​Board Professionals of Eastern Finland (Hallituspartnerit Itä-Suomi ry): Defining the profiles of the optimal candidates for companies recruiting board members.
  • Chambers of Commerce (Kauppakamarit): teaching at training courses for Certified Board Members.
  • City of Kitee: A feasibility study on the suitability of the Puhos industrial area for a data center location. Preparation of international marketing material on the data center site jointly with the Business Finland.
  • European Commission: Evaluation of project proposals for the Digital Circular Economy (DigiCirc) funding programme. Mentoring the projects receiving funding.
  • Fluent Progress Ltd: Sparring the development of infrastructure related GIS-applications.
  • GenreTech Ltd: Elaborating a business plan for a company specialised in robotic process automation.
  • Iivari Mononen Ltd: Coaching corporate responsibility (ESG) for a company manufacturing wooden poles and construction timber.
  • Juhta Ltd: Elaboration of a business development plan, a market analysis and a competitor analysis for a company manufacturing trailers for passenger cars.
  • Juppi-laituri Ltd: A profitability analysis and a business plan for a company manufacturing docks.
  • Karelia University of Applied Sciences: Serving as a partner enterprise with the collaboration between North-Karelia and Nagano in the sector of forest-bioeconomy.
  • Kemi Digipolis Ltd: Serving as an invited expert in EU projects related to circular economy.
  • KETI Ltd - Central Karelia Development Company: A feasibility study on the suitability of the Puhos industrial area for a data center location. Preparation of international marketing material on the data center site jointly with the Business Finland. Elaboration of a business plan for the Savikko Manor Houses together with Simana Ltd.
  • Kiinteistömyllärit Ltd: A business plan and a competitor analysis for a company operating in real estate business.
  • Lieksa Christian Institute: A development plan for the organisation and a performance evaluation of director and the board of directors.
  • Lipertek Ltd: A study on the future plans of the enterpreneurs operating in the municipal center of Liperi and a search for new investors and operators.
  • Metsät Kuntoon Ltd: Coaching corporate responsibility (ESG) for a company offering services in forest estate trade, timber harvesting and silviculture.
  • Patteristo Express Ltd: Giving lectures on ”Changing trends in operational environment” and ”ESG-responsibility”. Co-operation in Spurt Coaching.
  • Simana Ltd: Elaborating a business plan for a company offering PR and media services.
  • Solenovo Ltd: Coaching corporate responsibility (ESG) for an ICT-company operating in the field of education.
  • Sulokivi Ltd: Business plan for a geographical expansion of a company operating in yard paving and stone works.
  • Suomen Sijoitusmetsät Ltd: Coaching corporate responsibility (ESG) for a company offering services in forest management and estate trade
  • Taloykköset Ltd: Coaching corporate responsibility (ESG) for a company operating in house construction business.
  • Tulevaisuuden kuusi - Suomi100 campaign. Fundraising for a ”Future Spruce” – an official campaign to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the independence of Finland.
  • Tulikivi Corporation: Corporate responsibility reporting
  • UEF – University of Eastern Finland: Teaching courses in forest management planning, forest economics and forest policy. A partner in the GreenHub project with the theme "Carbon-free economy and climate smart forestry”.
  • Vajrakila Innovations Ltd: Fundraising and customer search for the TreeBuddy-innovation.
  • World Bioeconomy Forum: Writing a discussion paper for Chatham House on the global trends and prospects of land use.
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